What we can do for you:
At Fair and Square Home Repair, we take pride in offering a range of services to cater to your home maintenance needs. Whether it's a quick fix indoors or a major overhaul outdoors, our team is ready to assist. Below are some of the services we offer:
Surface damage of any type
Paint and texture matching
Cabinet doors and drawers
Interior doors
Plumbing fixtures and drains
Electrical fixtures
Water damage and rot
Decks, fences, docks, and gazebos
Masonry and concrete
Paint, stain, and finishes
Doors and windows
Gutters, siding, and soffit
Pressure washing and soft washing
Anything Else:
Have you seen the perfect accent wall on TikTok? Have you found the most incredible bathroom on Pinterest? Did your ideal kitchen appear to you in a dream? Show us! We’d love to turn your vision into a reality.